© Zerius 1993 place the explosives… Now, all you have to do is figure out where to Option ‘d’ seems the most productive option. a hunch and nothing more. d. Try to blast your way underground - on only c. Use the explosives to vandalize the stone wall. b. Sit in the sun. belief, be useful) over several cacti can, contrary to popular a. Sit in the shade. (A piece of tattered cloth You now have several options: You've been in the shade for about 8 minutes. to worry about those. They might even come in handy. you let out a sigh. Ordinary explosives - no need approach it carefully, and after opening the pack, There is also a backpack in the shade. You underneath. the wall might topple over and squish you helpless paranoia-level is higher than normal. WHO KNOWS, or at least, transported. As a result, your down some stairs, hit your head, and gotten killed - decide to stay away from it. You've already rolled It looks very high, very flat, and very old. You the ground; rather, there is a massive stone wall. away. The side facing you doesn’t slope gently to Except for a strangely shaped hill some distance cars. Just sand. like a desert - no trees, office buildings, smog, or you are, so it's blank. Big help there. It looks know what time zone you’re in, or even where You’re in a strange land. Your hi-tech watch doesn’t you are now. did not, however, come up with any reason for where (for no reason, of course). Several more minutes you realized your car - and you with it - exploded After mulling over what happened for a few minutes, orange 5:34 Saw a burst of yellow, red, and a lot of 5:33 Prepared to drive off the next exit 5:32 Wiped brow 5:32 Looked at temperature reading 5:31 Noticed how warm the air had suddenly become 5:27 Saw smoke several kilometers ahead 5:22 Entered Freeway 19, rightmost lane 5:17 Opened car door 5:15 Left office [PM] doing, not even in those silly tabloid magazines: here's what you don't seem to recall anyone ever every average person goes through every day. But ... And so on. There is no need to describe what 7:45 Put toast in toaster 7:41 Sat up, bashed head on underside of chair 7:40 Awoke - again 7:30 Fell down the stairs 7:29 Left bathroom 7:21 Opened the bathroom door 7:14 Awakened [AM] involved in: It's been a long day. Here's what you got yourself • Copyright © 1993 by Zerius Development • The Crypt v1.0